
A modern communication channel for mutual trust

d.velop is an internationally operating software company from the Münsterland region that supports organizations in digitizing their business processes.

Good to know

How many people does the company currently employ?

We are currently 750 colleagues in the d.velop Group.

What topics do you use Evermood for?

We use Evermood in the areas of cultural feedback, social conflicts and health concerns.

Which confidants are involved in Evermood?

Our People & Culture team.

Juliana, what is your goal as Director of People & Culture at d.velop AG?

What motivates and drives us at d.velop AG are the people who work with us to make d.velop more successful every day. It's also the unique d.velop culture in which we all work together, overcome obstacles, and celebrate successes. Therefore, our aim is to promote people and culture in the best possible way. For this reason, our department was renamed from HR to People & Culture last year.

What defines People & Culture at d.velop?

We see ourselves as the central point of contact and companion for our employees in all phases of their life. As an employer, we want to align ourselves with this understanding – whether it concerns health, starting a family, or professional matters.

However, this can only succeed in a work environment and collaboration characterized by great trust.

Evermood helps us to extend this environment and further strengthen mutual trust.

"To always be in tune with our employees and to identify and address cultural feedback and concerns of our workforce at an early stage, we introduced Evermood as an elegant digital contact option."

— Juliana Kortmann, Director People and Culture at d.velop AG

What are the central benefits of Evermood for you?

It's important to us to further solidify our culture of trust and to be there for our employees at all times. The value for us lies in offering support for sensitive issues that might not have reached us otherwise or would have reached us too late.

We also notice a trend that the way of communication is changing. Employees want different ways to make contact. To retain our talents for a long time and to offer the best possible support in crisis and conflict situations, we therefore want to pursue new and innovative paths.

In Evermood, we have found a partner that offers a contemporary solution and continuously evolves in close collaboration to optimally reflect the above-mentioned desires.

How is Evermood used at your company?

Right from the introduction of Evermood, we received a lot of positive feedback from our workforce. I believe it was an important impulse to show that we, as a trust center, always have an open ear and want to address problems instead of stigmatizing them – whether personally or anonymously.

We deliberately covered a wide range to address all important topics and concerns of our employees. Especially issues in the area of cultural feedback help us to stay in tune with our workforce and to act early and quickly, so that serious conflicts do not arise in the first place. The platform is used by us as an entry point to ask for preventive advice on various concerns.

Especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's important to us that our employees have a low-threshold and digital contact point. There is also the possibility of referral to our external occupational psychologist.


For our company and other organizations looking to establish or strengthen a culture of trust and considering digitizing their consulting services, among other things, Evermood offers great support. As a targeted measure, it helps to break down stigmas and make employee support more holistic.

We particularly like the preventive nature of the platform and the ability to connect our employees with the right trusted persons in just a few clicks.

In this way, we want to sensitize employees to cultural and health issues, empower them to proactively address crisis and conflict situations, and always stand by their side with qualified support. We look forward to further collaboration and are excited to see where the journey takes us.

Enable your employees to achieve excellence while staying healthy and motivated.